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Date: 9/4/2022
Subject: Drop-in session & ISA conference
From: TASA

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Newsletter of the
Sociology of Youth Thematic Group

Drop-in session and ISA conference

Hi TASA Youth thematic group,

We hope you are doing well!

We’re getting in touch about our upcoming drop-in session, and the ISA conference in Melbourne next year.

Drop-in session

Unfortunately last month we needed to postpone our drop-in session. However, we have now rescheduled our monthly drop-in for Tuesday 20th September 12:30-1:30pm AEST.

This session will address the vagaries of collaborative writing – something that came up during our session on dealing with reviewer feedback from journals. The session will be an opportunity for us to share our successes and hardships in researching and writing collaboratively (including interdisciplinary adventures). This could be something you are considering doing, or perhaps have been doing for a while – everyone is welcome – you can register here.

ISA conference

Abstracts for the ISA conference in Melbourne in July 2023 are due by 30th September, so you still have time to get one in! We would also like to draw your attention to the brilliant sessions that some of our members have put together for RC34 (Youth), which you can submit an abstract to:

Marginalised Youth, Street Cultures and Mediation

Presidential Session: The Sociology of Youth Today

The Challenges and Affordances of Longitudinal Youth Research

The Climate Crisis and Young People's Health and Well-Being

Young People, the 'crisis of Democracy' and Political Transformation

Youth Transitions in a Post-Pandemic World: Challenges and Opportunities for Youth and Young Adults in the Sphere of Work

And these are just the sessions that have been organised by TASA Youth members! See here for a full list of sessions in RC34 (Youth).


Ben, Julia and Naomi.

You can follow the group via Twitter: @YouthTASA