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Date: 1/29/2023
Subject: Journal of Sociology – Call for Guest Editors for the 2025 Special Issue
From: TASA

Journal of Sociology

Guest Editors for the 2025 Special Issue

Dear ~~first_name~~,
Journal of Sociology is an international journal published four times a year by Sage. Each year the editors invite expressions of interest from the international community of sociological scholars to guest edit a special issue of the journal. Special issues may address any sociological theme that is likely to be of interest to the journal’s international readership.

Papers featured in special issues are subject to the normal process of peer review. Call for abstracts, selection of papers and coordination of the peer review process will be the responsibility of the guest editors.

Please note, to allow time for the reviews to be received and revisions to be completed, submitting authors would need to work to a deadline for manuscript submission in June 2024, with final copy by the end of 2024.

Please submit expressions of interest of no more than 3000 words in length by email to Associate Professor Helen Forbes-Mewett, Editor in Chief of the Journal, by Monday 19th June, 2023.

Expressions of interest should include the following information:

a) Contact details and brief biography for each guest editor.

b) 300 word summary of the special issue theme, including rationale, aims and objectives, including significance of contribution to contemporary sociological thinking and research.

c) Division of labour within the guest editorial team: Outline of lead editor, selection and handling of papers and referee process and writing the editorial introduction.

d) An indicative list of authors and papers to be featured in the special issue. If successful, guest editors will be asked to update this list regularly throughout the process. Please indicate if you plan to include a call for abstracts.

Please note:
If guest editors would like to submit a refereed paper for publication in the issue themselves, they must follow the Committee of Publication Ethics’ Codes of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for journal editors when assessing their own papers for publication in the special issue.

Associate Professor Helen Forbes-Mewett (Monash University)
Editor in Chief, Journal of Sociology

Editor in Chief
Helen Forbes-Mewett
Managing Editor
Allegra Schermuly
About the Journal of Sociology
Journal of Sociology features high quality sociological scholarship in all its forms. We are dedicated to showcasing theory as well as applied sociology, quantitative and qualitative research. Interdisciplinary pieces are welcome, as are submissions from outside the academy. Based in the Southern Hemisphere and committed to intellectual works from the Asia-Pacific region, including Indigenous scholarship, we also encourage submissions from across the globe.
You can read more about the Journal of Sociology here and keep up-to-date via Twitter: @JSociology