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Date: 8/1/2023
Subject: Online meeting for all TASA Thematic Group Convenors NEXT MONDAY
From: TASA

Online meeting for all TASA Thematic Group Convenors NEXT MONDAY

Dear TASA TG convenors,

Thanks to everyone who responded to the poll in my last email. This message is to convey two important things for TG convenors:

 (1) Based on poll results, we will be having our next online meeting next Monday 7 August from 1130am-1230pm AEDT (i.e., Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, etc time). You can join the meeting at this linkSally will also send the link as a calendar invite. While I am aware that Monday is fairly short notice, it was the poll favorite... plus we will benefit from meeting ahead of the deadline for TG funding in September (more on that below). This meeting is open to all TG convenors, including HDR reps. Please note that the meeting will be recorded for the benefit of those who can't make it. In addition, I can talk individually with convenors who have questions about TG funding, initiatives, etc. 

 (2) A reminder that funding for TG events and activities for the first half of 2024 (1 Jan – 30 Jun 2024) is available. Applications must be received by 5pm on 1 September 2023. For further details, check the Conveners' Manual or just ask. If you're working on an application already, or if you intend to do so, or if you have questions about future applications, we're happy to provide advice if needed... and we have next week's meeting to discuss this too...

 As always, don't hesitate to get in touch if you have questions, feedback, etc. 

Looking forward to meeting many of you online next Monday...

Stay safe, best wishes


Dr Tom Barnes
Thematic Groups Portfolio Leader