Sociology and Animals Thematic Group
Aims and Objectives
The Sociology and Animals Thematic Group aims to contribute to the idea of nonhuman animals as critical members, and stakeholders in societies, who co-produce ‘the social’ along with humans and other nonhumans. With the rise of human-animal scholarship, sociologists are increasingly recognising the importance of including non-human animals in our academic endeavours, and the urgency of studying animals as actors, as well as subjects of marginalisation in societies. The aim of the Sociology and Animals Thematic Group is to create a supportive network of scholars working in human-animal studies, critical animal studies and/or other animal-related areas to facilitate the exchange of ideas, critical discussion and coordination of relevant academic events.
Our primary objectives are to:
- Critically consider the role of animals in society and highlight the necessity of their inclusion in Sociology;
- Encourage scholarship which decentre the inherent anthropocentrism in sociology, and expand its ambit of recognition to nonhumans; and
- Provide an avenue for animal scholars to network and present research to their peers within the discipline of Sociology.
We welcome all scholars conducting sociological research about, for, and/or with nonhuman animals.
The following networks may be of interest to animal scholars:
American Sociological Association’s Animals and Society Section
Animals in Society Working Group
Australasian Animal Studies Association
British Sociological Association’s Animal/Human Studies Group
The Institute for Critical Animal Studies
New Zealand Centre for Human-Animal Studies
Gavin Smith: ACT Snake Removals
Madonna Hooper:
Bee Yourself Counselling
Fickle Futures: the 'New' Homelessness blog
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