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Genders & Sexualities Thematic Group

Convener Bios

Donna Bridges is a senior lecturer of sociology at Charles Sturt University. She has taught across a range of sociology subjects in her career including ‘Understanding the Social World’, ‘Social Inequality’, ‘Sociological Theory’, ‘Social Research Methods’ and ‘The Sociology of Peace & Conflict’. As well as being a sociologist, Donna is a gender theorist and a feminist researcher. She researches in the areas of gender inequality, gender and work and military sociology. Her research is focused on gendered workplaces such as military institutions, the construction industry, aviation and social work. She is co-author of the edited volumes “Gender, Feminist and Queer Studies: Power, Privilege and Inequality in a Time of Neoliberal Conservatism” (Bridges, Lewis, Wulff, Litchfield & Bamberry, 2023); “Absent Aviators: Gender Issues in Aviation” (Bridges, Neal-Smith & Mills, 2014) and “Creative spaces for qualitative researching: Living research” (Higgs, Titchen, Horsfall & Bridges, 2011). Donna received her PhD in sociology at the University of Western Sydney where she worked in various research and teaching roles. Prior to her position at CSU she worked in a higher education research institute. Donna is currently working on a women in mining study and commencing a university wide research project investigating student belonging amongst students of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities.

Ruby Grant is a Research Fellow at the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS).

Ruby is a sociologist specialising in LGBTQ community health and wellbeing. Her research projects have explored lesbian, bisexual and queer (LBQ) women’s sexual health, LGBTQ mental health, trans affirming healthcare, bisexual health, and LGBTQ-inclusion in education and healthcare. Ruby is the leading scholar of Tasmanian LGBTQ community wellbeing, with her work providing key insights into the role of place in shaping LGBTQ identity, health, belonging and inclusion in regional and rural areas.

Ruby draws on feminist and queer perspectives from sociology, social geography, and public health to develop new understandings of the needs and experiences of LGBTQ people, with a strong focus on partnering with Government and community organisations to promote diversity and inclusion. She is the author of Sexual Citizenship and Queer Post-feminism, and 27 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. Read on... 

Yang Zhao is a social anthropologist and currently works as Research Fellow in Social Science at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. His research over the past ten years has delved deeply into the intersections of gender, religion, and sexual health in Central Asia and China. His work on gender and masculinity has been featured in journals such as International Journal of Qualitative Methods, Gender and Education and NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies. Additionally, Yang has co-edited a book ‘Migratory Men: Place, Transnationalism and Masculinities’ by Routledge.

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Megan Sharp
University of Melbourne

Gemma Killen
Australian National University

Barrie Shannon
University of Newcastle

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