SAANZ Women's Section newsletter
The Women’s Section thrived as an important network within SAANZ (and later TASA). As a network, it provided a crucial foundation of support for the growing number of women involved in Australian sociology. The Women’s Section was established with a formal vote of a large number of women delegates at the 1976 SAANZ conference held at La Trobe University (Richmond 2005:60). Katy Richmond provided the initial impetus for the Section's newsletter, with the first edition appearing in March 1979 under the editorship of Lois Foster (Richmond 2005:63; SAANZ Women’s Section Newsletter 1979, March:1). Until its last edition in 1991 (then as part of TASA), the newsletter offered an important forum for women involved in sociology to communicate and develop supportive networks throughout Australia (Richmond 2005:60). The newsletter was revived later in the 1990s, this time within Nexus (see for example the article by Marilys Guilleman in 1998). Also important in this respect was the annual Women’s day, organised by the Section. Like the Health Day, this often took place the day before the annual conference of SAANZ. The close friendship ties that formed or were maintained at these meetings were sufficient to energise several collaborative research projects and joint publications (Richmond 2005:60).
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Kate Huppatz (L) and Steve Matthewman (R) with 2018 Journal of Sociology Best Paper recipient Michelle Peterie.